Midlands Striper Club Tournament Information           2025 DNR Open Information Here

Midlands Striper Club
Tournament Participation:
Tournament fees ($20/person) must be paid prior to scales opening. All teams must turn in a Tournament Entry Form to receive points for that month’s tournament (even if you don’t weigh any fish). No sheet = no points.
NOTE: If you have a new or changed Team Name - Let the Tournament Directors know BEFORE 9:00 pm on Thursday, January 16th ... Remember tournament directors must know by midnight Friday night FOR ANYONE who fishing the tournament (regardless of whether or not you have prepaid for the year). Contact Charles Gatch (803) 960-1431 or Brian Barb (803) 920-0832 to enter. If you call and don't get us, leave a voicemail or send us a text and leave your name AND YOUR TEAM NAME.
By fishing in a tournament sponsored by MSC each participant, whether member or guest, recognizes that MSC is not responsible for any participants safety. MSC has no control over the weather or it's effects, the acts of other boaters, the conditions or hazards of the lake, or any other unsafe conditions that may arise while fishing.
Each participant of MSC tournaments understands the potential safety problems which may arise while fishing and voluntarily consents to participate knowing the risks involved. TX Directors reserve the right to cancel/reschedule any event if NOAA Lake Wind / Small Craft Advisory is in effect during tournament hours.
Contact the Tournament Directors before midnight the Friday before the tournament if you plan to enter the tournament.
Charles Gatch (803) 960-1431
Brian Barb (803) 920-0832

Team Fish Whistle 2023 MSC Team Of The Year!

2023 DNR Open 1st Place Team Sea-n-Stripes

1st Place = $275.00
2nd Place = $175.00
3rd Place = $125.00
Big Fish = $150.00
Lady Angler = $50.00
Youth Angler = $50.00
Mid-Pack Finisher = $25.00
Smallest Creel = $25.00
[payouts are per boat only]
NOTE: The above is a dynamic schedule.
All dates/locations subject to change,
please consult this web site, newsletter or
attend meetings to learn of changes.
Schedule or Tournament Questions, contact MSC Tournament Directors:
Charles Gatch (803) 960-1431
Brian Barb (803) 920-0832